


Tangelo, a hybrid citrus fruit, offers unique flavor characteristics that can greatly influence the taste of beer. Known for its sweet and tangy profile, Tangelos bring a bold zestiness to brews, adding both brightness and complexity to the overall flavor profile. This vibrant fruit is often used in brewing as an adjunct or addition during fermentation.

When added to beer recipes, Tangelos contribute their distinct aroma and taste which enhances the overall drinking experience. Their combination of sweetness and acidity creates a refreshing sensation on the palate. Tangelos are typically utilized in lighter beer styles such as wheat beers, pale ales, or even sour beers due to their bright character.

Apart from influencing taste, Tangelos also possess certain properties that make them ideal for use in brewing. They contain natural sugars that ferment into alcohol during the brewing process while contributing fruity notes along with essential oils extracted from their peel. These qualities add depth and balance to the final product.



4.0 < 4.0 < 20.9 %

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