American Strong Ale
- Recipes:
- 780
- BJCP 2021:
- 22B
- Era:
- Craft
- Origin:
- North America
- Fermentation:
- Top
- Color:
- Amber
- Strength:
- High
- Taste:
- Bitter
American Strong Ale is a broad beer style that encompasses various American craft beers with high alcohol content, typically ranging from 7% to around 11% ABV or more. This style evolved from the desire of American brewers to push the boundaries of traditional beer styles, leading to bold, innovative and potent brews. The history of this beer style is relatively recent, with its roots in the craft beer movement that began to gain momentum in the 1980s and '90s. These ales are often released as seasonal offerings or special editions, showcasing the creativity and skill of craft brewers.
Appearance can vary widely but usually exhibit a deep amber to dark brown coloration, with clarity that can range from clear to slightly hazy depending on specific brewing practices. American Strong Ales often possess a good head retention with a creamy texture that may be off-white to light tan in hue. It's common for these beers to leave some lacing on the glass as they're enjoyed. The flavor profile and aroma characteristics of an American Strong Ale are marked by a rich complexity. Hops can play an essential role contributing varied notes such as citrus, pine, floral, fruity, or resinous qualities depending on the varieties used and when they are added during brewing. Malt presence is also significant; it provides balance and brings flavors reminiscent of caramel, bread crust, nuts, or dark fruits. A moderate to strong malt backbone supports the hop bitterness which can range from medium-strong to aggressive. The finish typically leans towards the malty side but with residual hop bitterness present.
American Strong Ales may exhibit similarities to other high-alcohol ale styles like American Barleywines or Imperial IPAs but are generally less hop-focused than the latter and less sweet than the former. The alcoholic strength should be evident yet well integrated – not harsh or overpowering – and may provide warmth upon consumption.
6.3 – 10.0 %
In Database
5.4 < 7.6 < 10.2 %
50 – 100 IBU
In Database
27 < 66 < 112 IBU
14 – 35 EBC
7 – 18 SRM
In Database
8 < 27 < 41 EBC
4 < 14 < 21 SRM
Original Extract
15.1 – 21.4 °P
1.062 – 1.090 OG
In Database
13.0 < 17.8 < 23.4 °P
1.053 < 1.074 < 1.100 OG
Final Gravity
3.6 – 6.1 °P
1.014 – 1.024 FG
In Database
2.1 < 4.1 < 6.8 °P
1.008 < 1.016 < 1.027 FG